First of all I would like to thank all of you for your support! More than 200 views of my last report, and even though I know its complicated to leave a comment, feel free to do it!
After almost 3 months dedicating myself to Modern and Limited, its time to play some Standard again! This week I'm going to GP Bochum in Germany, and Im very excited about it! First of all, I have never been to Germany. It might be that Bochum and Dusseldorf (where I am landing on saturday) aren't the best places to start visiting, but I am pretty sure its going to be a great time!
Second, after 6 exhaustive months of Delver of secrets, it feels great to be back at the format where I got to learn how to play, and where I got my best results until now. Before getting this job, I was a student, and had most of my afternoons free. That means twice a week I would be battling at Magic Corporation for a few boosters and other prizes. I knew the format inside out, and last season was Delver season... It was just hard to play something else. Anyway, since RTR came out, I didn't really give that much attention to standard, only watching some videos and occasional coverage. Before actually playing the new format, it seemed that Zombies would be the Deck to beat, mostly for not loosing anything from the rotation. Well, people decided to gain life. And Lots of Life. Huntmaster gives me 2? I want more? Centaur Healer 3 life? Not enough. Thragtusk 5 life?? Almost there...

Sphinx's Revelation Its probably the card that makes all things possible. Too far, I know. Have you ever cast it? I guess thats what a revelation feels... You feel actually iluminated after casting it. This is actually the reason why you want to ramp in your control deck. Speaking of which, it seems that's what everyone is playing nowadays... UWR Control, Bant Control, Grixis Control, Mono black Control, UW... Zombies, Mono Red, Humans and Selesnya agro decks are still there, but the only ones really having any relevant results are the ones that remembered that Cavern of Souls is still legal... And that probably explains the recent success of the new Delver decks. If everybody is only playing their threats turns 4 or 5, Im just going to put a small creature into play and counter whatever they do. Does that sound familiar?
After playing with Bant control at the Standard Championship in Lyon, with a list full of one of (One Jace, One Tamyio, One Angel of Serenity), and I could feel the power of the deck. It was far from an ideal list, but it was enough to convince me that that's what I want to do in Standard.
I played in a win a box on saturday, and went 4x1. Tomorrow Ill give you the report of that tournament. Got to go back to work now.
See you guys soon!
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