Friday, september 28. 11:59 pm. In one minute the guild gates that takes us to different locations in the city of light, intrigue, and conspiracy will be opened... So many years after the guild pact and now Niv m'izzet is consulting with one of the most powerful planeswalkers of all time... What are his plans? Are the other guilds aware of this? What is actually going on in RAVNICA?????? Its up to us to unveil this mystery...
First thing to do, is find out where to start. Prematurely, i booked a visit to the Izzet guild quarters on Saturday morning, disguised as a visiting professor from another realm trying to find a missing ingredient for a potion. All the rumors in the weeks before my arrival lead me to start my investigation at Niv m'izzet's lab... but now Im not so sure anymore... It seems that the real power behind this events might come from the everlasting courts of AZORIOUS... So much hidden power behind the the sky patrols of the keepers of the law... But how to enter that house during the day? With all the guards? Its impossible... Wait a second... Will I be able to sacrifice a night of sleep trying to get to know RAVNICA through its on defenses? Thats it! Ill start my incursion in the home of the law keepers...
If you didnt get my intro text (or the title)! Today is pre-release day! Everybody is so excited about RTR, and this will be our first experience with the next PTQ format. Of course the Guild Packs are in the mix, so we can't say that this is exactly how sealed will be, and most people wont be prepared as everybody is just getting to know the cards and etc, but it will be a good intro!
Im playing for sure in 3 events this weekend:
- Friday-Saturday at Midnight: At Magic Bazar (their website can be found here) (around 70 players)
- Saturday at 09:30 am organized by Le Repaire du Dragon (facebook event information) (between 100 and 150 players)
- Sunday at 16:30 at Magic Corporation ( their website)
Im going to try to find a 4th one to do, but not sure if time (or places) will allow me.
I chose Izzet for the pre-release on saturday, but Im inclined to believe that Azorious is the best choice. The way I think the format will play, is that your multicolored commons and uncommons are the ones who are defining the pool you should play. Azorious has by far the best ones, with solid flyers and Azorious Charm. As I told you guys before, most of the removal blue have are tempo removal, and adding white, your opponent may not have the chance to stop your flyers.
I will post a report of every one of the Pre-Releases, and give you other impressions as I play more... Its going to be a awesome weekend!
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