Tuesday, September 25, 2012


The card the promises to change/define the eternal formats (and probably standard), does not seem that powerful in limited... You are probably going to play it if you have in your pool, but I dont think its a first pick in draft. Most of the powerful things of the format are expensive, and abrupt decay wont take care of them.

Auger Spree is a awesome removal spell, specially for being common, and probably worth splashing. Its going to kill a reasonable sized creature, or diminish it enough to be eaten in combat! Be careful with the +4 as well, it can kill you out of nowhere...

To some, the best of the charms, to others, the worse of them... For me, Azorious Charm is one of the most powerful for limited, since life gain can swing a race in your favor, and the excommunication effect can totally blow out an attack, getting also rid of auras or saving a bomb from removal...

I think detention Sphere will be an Oblivion Ring and nothing else, except if you are playing against a populate deck, but we are yet to see how that strategy is going to develop... Its still a solid removal spell, and you should play it even without the Pulse effect in mind... But its a rare, so I wouldn't be that worried about it.

Add dramatic rescue to the mix and you will see that there are a bunch of tempo oriented spells to make a U/W aggressive strategy possible... I still have to check if the creatures are there to make it work...

Its rare, and its one of the best ones! It kills everything they can play, and also takes care of Jace and Vraska... Black and Red have already some awesome commons, and they got the ultimate removal spell...

If you are playing against an IZZET mage, be sure: They have Izzet Charm. Play around it all the time, the card is just too good. Shock + Spell Pierce + Faithless Looting in the same card? OMG!!

I guess that's all of them! I'm so excited about this pre-release, its going to be an awesome weekend! And don't worry, you wont be "Bonefired" out of the tournament this time...

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