Monday, September 24, 2012


Sorry for the delay guys... So we continue with RED. And what a good start! Annihilating fire, despite being double red and costing one mana more than Incinerate and Searing Spear, is probably going to be one of the best commons in the set. Removing the creature is not that relevant for limited (except against Golgari creatures), but it will be important in the new standard (INFESTED by zombies, but thats another post).

Ok, so this is not M13 limited where an effect like this could destroy your opponents Krenko's Tokens, or all his exalted creatures... And if Twin was still a deck in modern, it could be a good sideboard card.

There was a time that you could not play a 3 toughness creature because of lightning bolt. Than, anything less then a titan would die to dismember. Than we had the Jace/Vapor Snag test. Well... in the new standard, if your opponent plays red, this is probably replacing/playing alongside Bonefire... oh wait, Im suppose to talk about limited! All right... this is just, BONKERS. Period.

Another very good removal, specially if the format really leans towards slower strategies. Keep in mind though that the 2 best ones are a RARE and an unco.

GREEN - As the color pie demands, green does not get real removal (Pray upon was probably the best one in the last few years), but we do get one plummet effect:

Nothing to comment, i dont think the life gain will be that relevant...

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