Friday, September 21, 2012


The first thing I do when preparing for a Pre-Release (and in this case, the next PTQ season), is to evaluate the removal spells of the set. Not just evaluate, but list them and memorize. If you are a competitive player, you normaly dont have that desire to discover the cards as you open then, just to be crushed by your opponents that have done their homework. So... lets get into it:


I know its a creature, its mythique, and it costs 8 mana, but STILL, this is the most powerful removal spell in the set and you probably wont be able to play around it anyway, but its important to remember and UNDERSTAND what card does. It seem pretty obvious to me that people are still going to use their removal on this expecting to get their creatures back to the battlefield, and be disappointed that they have all gone back to their hands. If I have this angel, Im going to try my best to play white.

We all know arrest from Scars of Mirrodin, and pacifism effects are important to limited. But this card seems really important on this set, considering we have a lot of creatures with activated habilities, and powerful ones. It might be worth splashing in some decks.

I love the flavor of this card! Specially because is a Selesnya card, and with all the token generators, it doesn't seem very hard to chump block and then ambush their creature. Isn't awesome, as sometimes you are going to 2x1 to get them, but its a solid removal spell.

Another unconditional removal in common, but the effectiveness of this depends of how fast the format will be. The upside can be very powerful if you have a powerful token in play, and being an instant can change the curse of a game in one turn.
Im going to separate the posts, so Blue is coming up next.

Thiago Rodrigues

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