Thursday, September 13, 2012

Small introduction and 2012 Schedule

Dont fool yourself. Im not the real snapcaster mage. Or even Tiago Chan. I just love the card and decided to use its name... Coincidence or not, my name is Thiago, so... why not?

I dont have any tales to tell you about how I won a Pro-Tour, or how I made top 8 of a GP... Im just an average Magic Player as many others out there. I started playing in M11, after a 15 years break (not really a break considering that I was only 13 and played for 6 months). I got the opportunity to meet some awesome guys that played magic in Paris a few months after my arrival in France, and here I am, completely addicted! I have a BUNCH of top 16 finishes in PTQ's and WCMQ's, and a couple of GP's day 2. I read, watch and breath Magic for the most part of time, so I think I know a few things about the game now... The majority of the French community knows me and respect me, but being a brazilian in the middle of French players might have helped my reputation.

Im writing this blog to share with you not my endeavours, but my expectations for the future and my preparation for the next tournaments. Here is the schedule that I have for the next few months:


- Saturday 15 - GP LYON TRIAL - MODERN

- Saturday 28/Sunday 29 - RTR Prereleases


- Saturday 14 - PTQ GATECRASH AnGers, France


GP LYON - First weekend

- Saturday 10, PTQ GATECRASH Nancy, France

GP BOCHUM - Third weekend

- Sunday 25, PTQ GATECRASH Paris, France


GP LISBON - First weekend

Not to mention the MTGO PTQs, Ill try to give you un update on that as well.

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